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If you can dream it, We can make it.
​​new stock added for new larp season 2025
General Safety
The safety of all who attend Forsaken Lands LARP events is absolutely paramount. This includes making
sure Forsaken Lands LARP events are a comfortable, fun and inclusive environment for all attendees to role
play within. It is the responsibility of all attendees to make sure they conduct themselves in a manner that
does not cause others any distress or harm. Anyone found acting in a manner deemed unsuitable for
Forsaken Lands LARP will be dealt with by the Forsaken Lands Team.
There is a potential for scenarios at Forsaken Lands LARP to become intense, meaning emotions may be
running high, we ask all attendees to remain aware of others around them at all times and act accordingly
to make the game enjoyable for all. There is also a possibility of scenarios at Forsaken Lands LARP
becoming frightening or distressing, we ask that you keep aware of when things no longer become a game
for both yourself and others around you. Please seek assistance from the Forsaken Lands Team if you notice
in yourself, or anyone around you, things becoming unsafe.
There are specifically designed elements of the game that might provoke negative responses to a character's
race, e.g. the Skorn, if and when engaging with these elements of the game please remember that at all
times it should remain in character, and anyone found to be bringing these elements out of character will be
dealt with accordingly by the Forsaken Lands Team.
At all times please listen out for Safety Calls. These will be used at events to help make sure safety related
incidents are dealt with swiftly and as smoothly as possible;
Weapon Safety
Forsaken Lands utilises LARP safe shields and weapons to allow for fun and realistic combat. All weapons,
including bows and arrows, must undergo a safety check by a member of the Forsaken Lands Team prior to
use at an event. The Forsaken Lands Team will check every item to ensure that they are safe, as safety for all
those who attend Forsaken Lands events is paramount. There are also specific guidelines for armour that
must be adhered to, and that dictate the protection the armour provides during gameplay. If an item is
found to be unsafe, the Forsaken Lands Team will ask the item’s owner to secure it in an out of character
area and subsequently it will not be allowed to be used during the event.
Please note when purchasing items described as LARP safe or equivalent, they might not adhere to
guidelines used by specific LARP systems and therefore may not pass the required checks. If under any
doubt when purchasing items for use at a Forsaken Lands event, contact the Forsaken Lands Team and they
will advise where possible.
The Forsaken Lands Team will use the guidelines in the Weapon Guidelines, Shield Guidelines and Armour
Guidelines subsection as a general rule whether or not an item passes a safety check, but will assess each
item on a case by case basis. Remember at all times we are aiming to make Forsaken Lands LARP a safe and
fun system for all.
It is the responsibility of the individual using any item to check it for damage. Any damaged items should
be secured in an out of character area and not used during the event.
In some cases the Forsaken Lands weapons check team may find that the weapon or shield can be fixed on
site and will have some materials on site to help, This will be offered on a case by case basis.
Weapon Guidelines
Forsaken Lands uses weapon safety guidelines to ensure weapons do not cause actual damage when used.
The guidelines below will not always guarantee a weapon will pass a safety check, as they are conducted on
a case by case basis, but should do in most cases.
It is also important to make sure weapons keep to the aesthetic look of the game, with the intention of
keeping the immersive feel of the game in mind.
It is the responsibility of the individual using the weapon to check it for damage. Any damaged weapons
should be secured in an out of character area and not used during the event.
General Weapon Guidelines
A minimum of one centimetre of foam from the core on any striking surface is directed throughout a
number of the guidelines, for larger or heavier weapons this may be increased to account for the potential
damage that could be caused.
Weapons that have large or bulky elements to them, such as hammers, must be in proportions appropriate
to the weapon size. It is advised that for larger weapons these elements are created using a softer foam,
such as furniture foam, or be part hollow to prevent the weapon becoming overly heavy or unwieldy.
Any weapon that is Semi Hollow should also have appropriate padding affixed to the core (ie should have noodling to the core of the weapon with large hammers that have a hollow hammer head)
Weapon Core Specifications
The core of weapons intended for use at Forsaken Lands must be solid (fibreglass or carbon fibre cores are
recommended) and have minimal flex (it is recommended that a core does not flex more than twenty
percent of the weapon’s length). Some weapons may have an acrylic core, especially curved ones, these will
be tested for durability. Metal or wood cores are not allowed under any circumstances.
Wand Specifications
Wands can be combat or none combat safe , when using a wand that is considered non combat safe it is
important it should be considered as a non combat prop and should not come into contact with anyone
unless it is a gentle touch ie a Healing spell is being used on someone.
Combat safe wands should be constructed similar to a LARP weapon using a core of either fibreglass or
carbon fibre with a minimum of 1cm foam on a striking surface and be between 6inches and 18inches long.
It is also important that with a wand if it is constructed in this way that the striking tip also be safe and
padded and reinforced in case the core slips through the foam.
Small Weapon Specifications
Small weapons are sized between six and eighteen inches and must have a core. A minimum of one
centimetre of foam from the core must be present on any striking surface. Weighting is allowed but must be
securely attached to the core or under the handle and covered with a minimum of one centimetre of foam.
Crossguards should be made of foam or if reinforced they should be covered with a minimum of one
centimetre of foam. Handles must be secured to the weapon and not able to spin, and the pommel of the
weapon must be padded.
Medium Weapon Specifications
Medium weapons are sized between eighteen and forty-two inches and must have a core. A minimum of
one centimetre of foam from the core must be present on any striking surface. Weighting is allowed but
must be securely attached to the core or under the handle and covered with a minimum of one centimetre of
foam. Crossguards should be made of foam or if reinforced they should be covered with a minimum of one
centimetre of foam. Handles must be secured to the weapon and not able to spin, and the pommel of the
weapon must be padded.
Large Weapon Specifications
Large weapons are sized between forty-two and eighty-four inches and must have a core. A minimum of
one centimetre of foam from the core must be present on any striking surface. Weighting is not allowed.
Crossguards should be made of foam or if reinforced they should be covered with a minimum of one
centimetre of foam. Handles must be secured to the weapon and not able to spin, and the pommel of the
weapon must be padded.
Flail Weapon Specifications
Flail weapons should be constructed with a rigid core on the handle section ie Fibreglass rod or carbon fibre.
The link of the flail must be constructed with a rigid non elastic material such as leather , cloth , rope or
firm rubber.
The striking surface should be made from foam ie Polyurethane foam such as Ld45 or similar and should
not be too firm as to cause damage and in the event that reinforcement is used should be covered in at least
1cm of foam.
Claw Weapon Specifications
Claws should be constructed with closed cell foam, cast latex or
similar soft material and must not have a core.
Claws should be solid enough to hold their
shape and should also be soft enough to flex when a strike is made. It is advised that when reinforcement is
used material such as cloth, thin leather, suede or an equivalent material is used.
You must not be able to clench your fist and still have the claws in a striking position whilst wearing them.
Each claw must be a minimum of 6 inches long and have enough padding to not feel the users finger or reinforcement through the foam or similar material
Throwing Weapon Specifications
Throwing weapons must be constructed purely of foam, if weighting is used then materials considered
would be leather , cloth or similar material and must have a minimum of 1cm of foam around it.
It is advised that larger throwing weapons are constructed out of softer foam, or be part hollow to prevent
them from being overly heavy or unwieldy. Individuals intending on bringing / creating throwing weapons
larger than half a cubic metre to / for Forsaken Lands should contact the team in advance for guidance.
Throwing Weapons must be made to be safe and never thrown towards peoples faces
Arrow Specifications
The arrowhead / tip must not be small enough to breach an eye socket but not exceed 50m and must be
made from soft foam. The shaft must not must not exceed twenty-eight inches and must be made from either fibreglass or carbon fibre. The fletchings must be securely attached to the shaft and be in either a set of three or four. The nocks must be securely connected to the shaft and should hold the arrow securely
against the bowstring and the distance between the nock and fletchings must not exceed 15m.
It is the responsibility of the individual using the arrow to check it for damage such as splinters on the
shaft, fletchings bent out of place, or fragments of debris in the arrowhead. Any damaged arrows should be
secured in an out of character area and not used during the event.
Rounded arrow heads or "golf ball style arrow heads" are not allowed as they have been known to ricochet and become unsafe when doing so.
Bow Specifications
Bows must not exceed thirty pounds draw weight and must be made from either wood, fibreglass or carbon
fibre. The bowstring should be in good condition and firmly attached to the bow. Compound bows are not
allowed under any circumstances.
Draw weight should not exceed 30LBS
It is the responsibility of the individual using the bow to check it for damage such as splinters or cracks.
Any damaged bows should be secured in an out of character area and not used during the event.
Crossbow Specifications
Crossbows must use a prod driven design or be powered by bungee cord and use a rigid prod and the draw
weight of the crossbow should not exceed 30LBS. Prod driven crossbows are allowed but must not be used
by individuals under the age of eighteen at any point as dictated by the UK Crossbows Act 1987.
Anchors, Pillars and Totems Specifications
Totems and Anchors are utilised in the Forsaken Lands game as an aesthetic and therefore should also be
considered as safe as possible.
When using a Totem or Anchor it should be freestanding and not have any sharp points to cause damage to
players , staff or property.
It is recommended that they are constructed and weighted with no more than two kilograms at the bottom
of the Totem or Anchor and are no taller than forty-two inches from floor to tip. (In the game they are
moveable objects when used by the appropriate class so they need to be safe enough to be moved or
attached to a player's back In some cases.)
Please note Totems and Anchors are judged on a case by case basis , if you have an idea for a totem that
could fall out of these general guidelines please check with a member of the Forsaken Lands Team before
It is also recommended that the Totem or Anchor is created safely to ensure that if a person were to fall on it or over it can minimize the risk of injury , so construction materials such as LD45 Foam and furniture foam as advised and also with a rigid enough core to free stand with assisted weighting.
Other Weapon Specifications
Individuals seeking to use other types of weapons, such as slingshots, catapults, launchers, or siege
weapons, at Forsaken Lands LARP should contact the Forsaken Lands Team for guidance.
Shield Guidelines
Forsaken Lands uses safety guidelines to ensure shields do not cause actual damage when used. The
guidelines below will not always guarantee a shield will pass a safety check, as they are conducted on a case
by case basis, but should do in most cases.
It is also important to make sure shields keep to the aesthetic look of the game, with the intention of
keeping the immersive feel of the game in mind.
It is the responsibility of the individual using the shield to check it for damage. Any damaged shields
should be secured in an out of character area and not used during the event.
In the interests of safety Shield barging is not allowed in the Forsaken lands larp system.
General Shield Specifications
Shields are sized between twelve and forty inches and must have a minimum of one centimetre of foam on
any surface. Any decorations on the shield must be made from foam, latex or silicon, and any that exceed an
inch must be flexible. There must be no sharp or metal objects within the construction of the shield. Any
reinforcements, such as reinforcements to the handle, must be covered by a minimum of one centimetre of
Tower Shields
Tower shields can be constructed to a maximum of sixty inches tall by thirty inches wide and must adhere
to the same safety standards as mentioned above.
Pavise / Freestanding Shields
Pavise or freestanding shields must be constructed to the same specifications as tower shields with the
addition of a prod or leg behind the shield, also when the shield is picked up to be carried the prod or leg
should be secure with either a strap or popper loop.
The Prod or leg must be safe enough that if an individual were to fall on them that they would not be
impaled or injured. With this in mind the leg should be constructed in a safe manner and made with a
non-solid material such as a rigid foam, Dowel or conduit covered in a minimum of 2cm of foam.
Other Shield Specifications
Individuals seeking to use other types of shield, at a Forsaken Lands event should contact the Forsaken
Lands Team for guidance.
Armour Guidelines
Forsaken Lands uses safety guidelines to ensure armour does not cause actual damage when worn. The
guidelines below will not always guarantee armour will pass a safety check, as they are conducted on a case
by case basis, but should do in most cases.
It is also important to make sure armour keeps to the aesthetic look of the game, with the intention of
keeping the immersive feel of the game in mind.
It is the responsibility of the individual using armour to check it for damage. Any damaged armour should
be secured in an out of character area and not used during the event.
Light Armour Specifications
Light armour must be constructed from flexible / semi-flexible materials such as leather or quilted heavy
fabric. The armour must not have any sharp burs, edges or protrusions of any kind. Any studs and rivets on
the armour must be secure.
Heavy Armour Specifications
Heavy armour must be constructed from rigid / reinforced semi-flexible material such as chain or plate or materials that imitate such properties ie Foam or Poly plastic materials. The armour must not have any sharp burs, edges or protrusions of any kind. Any studs and rivets on the armour must be secure.
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